Unwebsockify is a TCP to WebSocket proxy/bridge. It accepts a plain TCP connection and connects to a WebSocket server, effectively adding WS support to a client that does not natively support it. It is essentially the opposite of [websockify](https://github.com/novnc/websockify). Note that this only handles simple byte streams of data, with no support for conveying WebSockets message framing back to the client. In most cases, **specifying the WebSockets subprotocol (via `--subproto`) is necessary**, because the server expects it to match some particular string. # Install dependencies Using a virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt venv/bin/python unwebsockify.py -h Or use docker (or replace `docker` with `podman`): docker build -t unwebsockify . docker run -p 13232:13232 unwebsockify -h # Usage usage: unwebsockify.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--listen ADDR] [--subproto SUBPROTO] URL positional arguments: URL WebSocket URL (ws://.. or wss://..) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --port PORT, -p PORT TCP listen port --listen ADDR, -l ADDR TCP listen address --subproto SUBPROTO, -s SUBPROTO WebSocket subprotocol # Example Eclipse Mosquitto supports WebSockets on the server side, but not on the client side (for bridging). To bridge two MQTT instances via websockets, run unwebsockify on the client: venv/bin/python unwebsockify.py --port 13232 --subproto mqtt wss://server/ and configure and run the MQTT client instance with e.g. address