/* * Labjack Tools * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Jim Paris * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and * it is provided under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netutil.h" #include "compat.h" #include "debug.h" #include "ue9.h" #include "ue9error.h" #include "util.h" #include "netutil.h" #define UE9_TIMEOUT 5 /* Timeout for connect/send/recv, in seconds */ /* Fill checksums in data buffers, with "normal" checksum format */ void ue9_checksum_normal (uint8_t * buffer, size_t len) { uint16_t sum = 0; if (len < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_checksum_normal: len too short\n"); exit (1); } while (--len >= 1) sum += (uint16_t) buffer[len]; sum = (sum / 256) + (sum % 256); sum = (sum / 256) + (sum % 256); buffer[0] = (uint8_t) sum; } /* Fill checksums in data buffers, with "extended" checksum format */ void ue9_checksum_extended (uint8_t * buffer, size_t len) { uint16_t sum = 0; if (len < 6) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_checksum_extended: len too short\n"); exit (1); } /* 16-bit extended checksum */ while (--len >= 6) sum += (uint16_t) buffer[len]; buffer[4] = (uint8_t) (sum & 0xff); buffer[5] = (uint8_t) (sum >> 8); /* 8-bit normal checksum over first 6 bytes */ ue9_checksum_normal (buffer, 6); } /* Verify checksums in data buffers, with "normal" checksum format. */ int ue9_verify_normal (uint8_t * buffer, size_t len) { uint8_t saved, new; if (len < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_verify_normal: len too short\n"); exit (1); } saved = buffer[0]; ue9_checksum_normal (buffer, len); new = buffer[0]; buffer[0] = saved; if (new != saved) { verb ("got %02x, expected %02x\n", saved, new); return 0; } return 1; } /* Verify checksums in data buffers, with "extended" checksum format. */ int ue9_verify_extended (uint8_t * buffer, size_t len) { uint8_t saved[3], new[3]; if (len < 6) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_verify_extended: len too short\n"); exit (1); } saved[0] = buffer[0]; saved[1] = buffer[4]; saved[2] = buffer[5]; ue9_checksum_extended (buffer, len); new[0] = buffer[0]; new[1] = buffer[4]; new[2] = buffer[5]; buffer[0] = saved[0]; buffer[4] = saved[1]; buffer[5] = saved[2]; if (saved[0] != new[0] || saved[1] != new[1] || saved[2] != new[2]) { verb ("got %02x %02x %02x, expected %02x %02x %02x\n", saved[0], saved[1], saved[2], new[0], new[1], new[2]); return 0; } return 1; } /* Data conversion. If calib is NULL, use uncalibrated conversions. */ double ue9_binary_to_analog (struct ue9Calibration *calib, uint8_t gain, uint8_t resolution, uint16_t data) { double slope = 0, offset; if (calib == NULL) { double uncal[9] = { 5.08, 2.54, 1.27, 0.63, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10.25 }; if (gain >= ARRAY_SIZE (uncal) || uncal[gain] == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_binary_to_analog: bad gain\n"); exit (1); } return data * uncal[gain] / 65536.0; } if (resolution < 18) { if (gain <= 3) { slope = calib->unipolarSlope[gain]; offset = calib->unipolarOffset[gain]; } else if (gain == 8) { slope = calib->bipolarSlope; offset = calib->bipolarOffset; } } else { if (gain == 0) { slope = calib->hiResUnipolarSlope; offset = calib->hiResUnipolarOffset; } else if (gain == 8) { slope = calib->hiResBipolarSlope; offset = calib->hiResBipolarOffset; } } if (slope == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_binary_to_analog: bad gain\n"); exit (1); } return data * slope + offset; } /* Execute a command on the UE9. Returns -1 on error. Fills the checksums on the outgoing packets, and verifies them on the incoming packets. Data in "out" is transmitted, data in "in" is received. */ int ue9_command (int fd, uint8_t * out, uint8_t * in, int inlen) { int extended = 0, outlen; uint8_t saved_1, saved_3; ssize_t ret; if ((out[1] & 0x78) == 0x78) extended = 1; /* Figure out length of data payload, and fill checksums. */ if (extended) { outlen = 6 + (out[2]) * 2; ue9_checksum_extended (out, outlen); } else { outlen = 2 + (out[1] & 7) * 2; ue9_checksum_normal (out, outlen); } /* Send request */ ret = send_all_timeout (fd, out, outlen, 0, &(struct timeval) { .tv_sec = UE9_TIMEOUT}); if (ret < 0 || ret != outlen) { verb ("short send %d\n", (int) ret); return -1; } /* Save a few bytes that we'll want to compare against later, in case the caller passed the same buffer twice. */ saved_1 = out[1]; if (extended) saved_3 = out[3]; /* Receive result */ ret = recv_all_timeout (fd, in, inlen, 0, &(struct timeval) { .tv_sec = UE9_TIMEOUT}); if (ret < 0 || ret != inlen) { verb ("short recv %d\n", (int) ret); return -1; } /* Verify it */ if ((in[1] & 0xF8) != (saved_1 & 0xF8)) verb ("returned command doesn't match\n"); else if (extended && (in[3] != saved_3)) verb ("extended command doesn't match\n"); else if (extended && (inlen != (6 + (in[2]) * 2))) verb ("returned extended data is the wrong len\n"); else if (!extended && (inlen != (2 + (in[1] & 7) * 2))) verb ("returned data is the wrong len\n"); else if (extended && !ue9_verify_extended (in, inlen)) verb ("extended checksum is invalid\n"); else if (!ue9_verify_normal (in, extended ? 6 : inlen)) verb ("normal checksum is invalid\n"); else return 0; /* looks good */ return -1; } /* Read a memory block from the device. Returns -1 on error. */ int ue9_memory_read (int fd, int blocknum, uint8_t * buffer, int len) { uint8_t sendbuf[8], recvbuf[136]; if (len != 128) { fprintf (stderr, "ue9_memory_read: buffer length must be 128\n"); exit (1); } /* Request memory block */ sendbuf[1] = 0xf8; sendbuf[2] = 0x01; sendbuf[3] = 0x2a; sendbuf[6] = 0x00; sendbuf[7] = blocknum; if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); return -1; } /* Got it */ memcpy (buffer, recvbuf + 8, len); return 0; } /* Convert 64-bit fixed point to double type */ double ue9_fp64_to_double (uint8_t * data) { int32_t a; uint32_t b; a = (data[7] << 24) | (data[6] << 16) | (data[5] << 8) | data[4]; b = (data[3] << 24) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[0]; return (double) a + (double) b / (double) 4294967296.0L; } /* Retrieve calibration data from the device. Returns -1 on error. */ int ue9_get_calibration (int fd, struct ue9Calibration *calib) { uint8_t buf[128]; /* Block 0 */ if (ue9_memory_read (fd, 0, buf, 128) < 0) return -1; calib->unipolarSlope[0] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 0); calib->unipolarOffset[0] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 8); calib->unipolarSlope[1] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 16); calib->unipolarOffset[1] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 24); calib->unipolarSlope[2] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 32); calib->unipolarOffset[2] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 40); calib->unipolarSlope[3] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 48); calib->unipolarOffset[3] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 56); /* Block 1 */ if (ue9_memory_read (fd, 1, buf, 128) < 0) return -1; calib->bipolarSlope = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 0); calib->bipolarOffset = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 8); /* Block 2 */ if (ue9_memory_read (fd, 2, buf, 128) < 0) return -1; calib->DACSlope[0] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 0); calib->DACOffset[0] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 8); calib->DACSlope[1] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 16); calib->DACOffset[1] = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 24); calib->tempSlope = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 32); calib->tempSlopeLow = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 48); calib->calTemp = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 64); calib->Vref = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 72); calib->VrefDiv2 = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 88); calib->VsSlope = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 96); /* Block 3 */ if (ue9_memory_read (fd, 3, buf, 128) < 0) return -1; calib->hiResUnipolarSlope = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 0); calib->hiResUnipolarOffset = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 8); /* Block 4 */ if (ue9_memory_read (fd, 4, buf, 128) < 0) return -1; calib->hiResBipolarSlope = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 0); calib->hiResBipolarOffset = ue9_fp64_to_double (buf + 8); /* All done */ return 1; } /* Retrieve comm config, returns -1 on error */ int ue9_get_comm_config (int fd, struct ue9CommConfig *config) { uint8_t sendbuf[18]; uint8_t recvbuf[24]; memset (sendbuf, 0, sizeof (sendbuf)); memset (config, 0, sizeof (struct ue9CommConfig)); sendbuf[1] = 0xf8; sendbuf[2] = 0x09; sendbuf[3] = 0x08; if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); return -1; } verb ("todo\n"); return -1; } /* Retrieve control config, returns -1 on error */ int ue9_get_control_config (int fd, struct ue9ControlConfig *config) { uint8_t sendbuf[18]; uint8_t recvbuf[24]; memset (sendbuf, 0, sizeof (sendbuf)); memset (config, 0, sizeof (struct ue9ControlConfig)); sendbuf[1] = 0xf8; sendbuf[2] = 0x06; sendbuf[3] = 0x08; if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); return -1; } verb ("todo\n"); return -1; } /* Open TCP/IP connection to the UE9 */ int ue9_open (const char *host, int port) { int fd; struct sockaddr_in address; struct hostent *he; int window_size = 128 * 1024; net_init (); /* Create socket */ fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (fd < 0) { verb ("socket returned %d\n", fd); return -1; } /* Set nonblocking */ if (soblock (fd, 0) < 0) { verb ("can't set nonblocking\n"); return -1; } /* Set initial window size hint to workaround LabJack firmware bug */ setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *) &window_size, sizeof (window_size)); setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *) &window_size, sizeof (window_size)); /* Resolve host */ address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_port = htons (port); he = gethostbyname (host); if (he == NULL) { verb ("gethostbyname(\"%s\") failed\n", host); return -1; } address.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *) he->h_addr); debug ("Resolved %s -> %s\n", host, inet_ntoa (address.sin_addr)); /* Connect */ if (connect_timeout (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof (address), &(struct timeval) { .tv_sec = UE9_TIMEOUT}) < 0) { verb ("connection to %s:%d failed: %s\n", inet_ntoa (address.sin_addr), port, compat_strerror (errno)); return -1; } return fd; } /* Close connection to the UE9 */ void ue9_close (int fd) { /* does anyone actually call shutdown these days? */ shutdown (fd, 2 /* SHUT_RDWR */ ); close (fd); } /* Compute scanrate based on the provided values. */ double ue9_compute_rate (uint8_t scanconfig, uint16_t scaninterval) { double clock; /* A "scan" is across all channels. Each scan is triggered at a fixed rate, and not affected by the number of channels. Channels are scanned as quickly as possible. */ switch ((scanconfig >> 3) & 3) { case 0: clock = 4e6; break; case 1: clock = 48e6; break; case 2: clock = 750e3; break; case 3: clock = 24e6; break; } if (scanconfig & 0x2) clock /= 256; if (scaninterval == 0) return 0; return clock / scaninterval; } /* Choose the best ScanConfig and ScanInterval parameters for the desired scanrate. Returns -1 if no valid config found */ int ue9_choose_scan (double desired_rate, double *actual_rate, uint8_t * scanconfig, uint16_t * scaninterval) { int i; struct { double clock; uint8_t config; } valid[] = { { 48e6, 0x08}, { 24e6, 0x18}, { 4e6, 0x00}, { 750e3, 0x10}, { 48e6 / 256, 0x0a}, { 24e6 / 256, 0x1a}, { 4e6 / 256, 0x02}, { 750e3 / 256, 0x12}, { 0, 0}}; /* Start with the fastest clock frequency. If the scaninterval would be too large, knock it down until it fits. */ for (i = 0; valid[i].clock != 0; i++) { double interval = valid[i].clock / desired_rate; debug ("Considering clock %lf (interval %lf)\n", valid[i].clock, interval); if (interval >= 0.5 && interval < 65535.5) { *scaninterval = floor (interval + 0.5); *scanconfig = valid[i].config; *actual_rate = ue9_compute_rate (*scanconfig, *scaninterval); debug ("Config 0x%02x, desired %lf, actual %lf\n", *scanconfig, desired_rate, *actual_rate); return 0; } } return -1; } /* Flush data buffers */ void ue9_buffer_flush (int fd) { uint8_t sendbuf[2], recvbuf[2]; sendbuf[1] = 0x08; /* FlushBuffer */ if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); } } /* Stop stream. Returns < 0 on failure. */ int ue9_stream_stop (int fd) { uint8_t sendbuf[2], recvbuf[4]; sendbuf[1] = 0xB0; if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); return -1; } if (recvbuf[2] == STREAM_NOT_RUNNING || recvbuf[2] == 0) return 0; debug ("error %s\n", ue9_error (recvbuf[2])); return -recvbuf[2]; } /* Start stream. Returns < 0 on failure. */ int ue9_stream_start (int fd) { uint8_t sendbuf[2], recvbuf[4]; sendbuf[1] = 0xA8; if (ue9_command (fd, sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof (recvbuf)) < 0) { verb ("command failed\n"); return -1; } if (recvbuf[2] == 0) return 0; debug ("error %s\n", ue9_error (recvbuf[2])); return -recvbuf[2]; } /* "Simple" stream configuration, assumes the channels are all configured with the same gain. */ int ue9_streamconfig_simple (int fd, int *channel_list, int channel_count, uint8_t scanconfig, uint16_t scaninterval, uint8_t gain) { int i; uint8_t buf[256]; /* Set up StreamConfig command with channels and scan options */ buf[1] = 0xF8; /* Extended command */ buf[2] = channel_count + 3; /* Command data words */ buf[3] = 0x11; /* StreamConfig */ buf[6] = channel_count; /* Number of channels */ buf[7] = 12; /* Bit resolution */ buf[8] = 0; /* Extra settling time */ buf[9] = scanconfig; buf[10] = scaninterval & 0xff; buf[11] = scaninterval >> 8; for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) { buf[12 + 2 * i] = channel_list[i]; /* Channel number */ buf[13 + 2 * i] = gain; /* Gain/bipolar setup */ } /* Send StreamConfig */ if (ue9_command (fd, buf, buf, 8) < 0) { debug ("command failed\n"); return -1; } if (buf[6] != 0) { verb ("returned error %s\n", ue9_error (buf[6])); return -1; } return 0; } /* Stream data and pass it to the data callback. If callback returns negative, stops reading and returns 0. Returns < 0 on error. */ int ue9_stream_data (int fd, int channels, ue9_stream_cb_t callback, void *context) { int ret; uint8_t buf[46]; uint8_t packet = 0; int channel = 0; int i; uint16_t data[channels]; for (;;) { /* Receive data */ ret = recv_all_timeout (fd, buf, 46, 0, &(struct timeval) { .tv_sec = UE9_TIMEOUT}); /* Verify packet format */ if (ret != 46) { verb ("short recv %d\n", (int) ret); return -1; } if (!ue9_verify_extended (buf, 46) || !ue9_verify_normal (buf, 6)) { verb ("bad checksum\n"); return -2; } if (buf[1] != 0xF9 || buf[2] != 0x14 || buf[3] != 0xC0) { verb ("bad command bytes\n"); return -3; } if (buf[11] != 0) { verb ("stream error: %s\n", ue9_error (buf[11])); return -4; } /* Check for dropped packets. */ if (buf[10] != packet) { verb ("expected packet %d, but received packet %d\n", packet, buf[10]); return -5; } packet++; /* Check comm processor backlog (up to 512 kB) */ if (buf[45] & 0x80) { verb ("buffer overflow in CommBacklog, aborting\n"); return -6; } if ((buf[45] & 0x7f) > 112) debug ("warning: CommBacklog is high (%d bytes)\n", (buf[45] & 0x7f) * 4096); /* Check control processor backlog (up to 256 bytes). */ if (buf[44] == 255) { verb ("ControlBacklog is maxed out, aborting\n"); return -7; } if (buf[44] > 224) debug ("warning: ControlBacklog is high (%d bytes)\n", buf[44]); /* Read samples from the buffer */ for (i = 12; i <= 42; i += 2) { data[channel++] = buf[i] + (buf[i + 1] << 8); if (channel < channels) continue; /* Received a full scan, send to callback */ channel = 0; if ((*callback) (channels, data, context) < 0) { /* We're done */ return 0; } } } }