837 lines
21 KiB
837 lines
21 KiB
* Labjack Tools
* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Jim Paris <jim@jtan.com>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and
* it is provided under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "ue9.h"
#include "ue9error.h"
#include "nerdjack.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "ethstream.h"
#include "example.inc"
#define DEFAULT_HOST ""
#define UE9_COMMAND_PORT 52360
#define UE9_DATA_PORT 52361
#define MAX_CHANNELS 256
struct callbackInfo {
struct ue9Calibration calib;
int convert;
int maxlines;
struct options opt[] = {
{'a', "address", "string", "host/address of device ("},
{'n', "numchannels", "n", "sample the first N ADC channels (2)"},
{'C', "channels", "a,b,c", "sample channels a, b, and c"},
{'r', "rate", "hz", "sample each channel at this rate (8000.0)"},
{'L', "labjack", NULL, "Force LabJack device"},
{'t', "timers", "a[:A],b[:B]", "set LabJack timer modes a,b and optional values A,B"},
{'T', "timerdivisor", "n", "set LabJack timer divisor to n"},
{'N', "nerdjack", NULL, "Force NerdJack device"},
{'d', "detect", NULL, "Detect NerdJack IP address"},
{'R', "range", "a,b",
"Set range on NerdJack for channels 0-5,6-11 to either 5 or 10 (10,10)"},
{'g', "gain", "a,b,c", "Set Labjack AIN channel gains: 0,1,2,4,8 in -C channel order"},
{'o', "oneshot", NULL, "don't retry in case of errors"},
{'f', "forceretry", NULL, "retry no matter what happens"},
{'c', "convert", NULL, "convert output to volts/temperature"},
{'H', "converthex", NULL, "convert output to hex"},
{'m', "showmem", NULL, "output memory stats with data (NJ only)"},
{'l', "lines", "num", "if set, output this many lines and quit"},
{'h', "help", NULL, "this help"},
{'v', "verbose", NULL, "be verbose"},
{'V', "version", NULL, "show version number and exit"},
{'i', "info", NULL, "get info from device (NJ only)"},
{'X', "examples", NULL, "show ethstream examples and exit"},
int doStream(const char *address, uint8_t scanconfig, uint16_t scaninterval,
int *channel_list, int channel_count,
int *timer_mode_list, int *timer_value_list,
int timer_mode_count, int timer_divisor,
int *gain_list, int gain_count,
int convert, int maxlines);
int nerdDoStream(const char *address, int *channel_list, int channel_count,
int precision, unsigned long period, int convert, int lines,
int showmem);
int data_callback(int channels, int *channel_list, int gain_count, int *gain_list,
uint16_t * data, void *context);
int columns_left = 0;
////////EXTRA GLOBAL VARS///////////
// for clean shutdown //
// added by John Donnal 2015 //
int fd_cmd, fd_data;
int ue9_running = 0; //flag if labjack is currently streaming data
void handle_sig(int sig)
while (columns_left--) {
printf(" 0");
* added by John Donnal 2015 *
* Close out connection to LabJack, firmware glitches *
* if the stream is not closed correctly *
printf("Performing clean shutdown of LabJack\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int optind;
char *optarg, *endp;
char c;
int tmp, i;
FILE *help = stderr;
char *address = strdup(DEFAULT_HOST);
double desired_rate = 8000.0;
int lines = 0;
double actual_rate;
int oneshot = 0;
int forceretry = 0;
int convert = CONVERT_DEC;
int showmem = 0;
int inform = 0;
uint8_t scanconfig;
uint16_t scaninterval;
int timer_mode_list[UE9_TIMERS];
int timer_value_list[UE9_TIMERS];
int timer_mode_count = 0;
int timer_divisor = 1;
int gain_list[MAX_CHANNELS];
int gain_count = 0;
int channel_list[MAX_CHANNELS];
int channel_count = 0;
int nerdjack = 0;
int labjack = 0;
int detect = 0;
int precision = 0;
int addressSpecified = 0;
int donerdjack = 0;
unsigned long period = NERDJACK_CLOCK_RATE / desired_rate;
/* Parse arguments */
while ((c = opt_parse(argc, argv, &optind, &optarg, opt)) != 0) {
switch (c) {
case 'a':
address = strdup(optarg);
addressSpecified = 1;
case 'n':
channel_count = 0;
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp || tmp < 1 || tmp > MAX_CHANNELS) {
info("bad number of channels: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
for (i = 0; i < tmp; i++)
channel_list[channel_count++] = i;
case 'C':
channel_count = 0;
do {
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != '\0' && *endp != ',') {
info("bad channel number: %s\n",
goto printhelp;
//We do not want to overflow channel_list, so we need the check here
//The rest of the sanity checking can come later after we know
//whether this is a
//LabJack or a NerdJack
if (channel_count >= MAX_CHANNELS) {
info("error: too many channels specified\n");
goto printhelp;
channel_list[channel_count++] = tmp;
optarg = endp + 1;
while (*endp);
case 'g': /* labjack only */
gain_count = 0;
do {
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != '\0' && *endp != ',') {
info("bad gain number: %s\n",
goto printhelp;
if (gain_count >= MAX_CHANNELS) {
info("error: too many gains specified\n");
goto printhelp;
if (!(tmp == 0 || tmp == 1 || tmp == 2 || tmp == 3 || tmp == 8)) {
info("error: invalid gain specified\n");
goto printhelp;
gain_list[gain_count++] = tmp;
optarg = endp + 1;
while (*endp);
case 't': /* labjack only */
timer_mode_count = 0;
do {
/* get mode */
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != '\0' && *endp != ',' && *endp != ':') {
info("bad timer mode: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
if (timer_mode_count >= UE9_TIMERS) {
info("error: too many timers specified\n");
goto printhelp;
timer_mode_list[timer_mode_count] = tmp;
/* get optional value */
if (*endp == ':') {
optarg = endp + 1;
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != '\0' && *endp != ',') {
info("bad timer value: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
timer_value_list[timer_mode_count] = tmp;
} else {
timer_value_list[timer_mode_count] = 0;
optarg = endp + 1;
while (*endp);
case 'T': /* labjack only */
timer_divisor = strtod(optarg, &endp);
if (*endp || timer_divisor < 0 || timer_divisor > 255) {
info("bad timer divisor: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
case 'r':
desired_rate = strtod(optarg, &endp);
if (*endp || desired_rate <= 0) {
info("bad rate: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
case 'l':
lines = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp || lines <= 0) {
info("bad number of lines: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
case 'R':
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != ',') {
info("bad range number: %s\n", optarg);
goto printhelp;
if (tmp != 5 && tmp != 10) {
info("valid choices for range are 5 or 10\n");
goto printhelp;
if (tmp == 5)
precision = precision + 1;
optarg = endp + 1;
if (*endp == '\0') {
info("Range needs two numbers, one for channels 0-5 and another for 6-11\n");
goto printhelp;
tmp = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
if (*endp != '\0') {
info("Range needs only two numbers, one for channels 0-5 and another for 6-11\n");
goto printhelp;
if (tmp != 5 && tmp != 10) {
info("valid choices for range are 5 or 10\n");
goto printhelp;
if (tmp == 5)
precision = precision + 2;
case 'N':
case 'L':
case 'd':
case 'o':
case 'f':
case 'c':
if (convert != 0) {
info("specify only one conversion type\n");
goto printhelp;
convert = CONVERT_VOLTS;
case 'H':
if (convert != 0) {
info("specify only one conversion type\n");
goto printhelp;
convert = CONVERT_HEX;
case 'm':
case 'v':
case 'X':
printf("%s", examplestring);
return 0;
case 'V':
printf("ethstream " VERSION "\n");
printf("Written by Jim Paris <jim@jtan.com>\n");
printf("and John Donnal <jdonnal@mit.edu>\n");
printf("and Zachary Clifford <zacharyc@mit.edu>.\n");
printf("This program comes with no warranty and is "
"provided under the GPLv2.\n");
return 0;
case 'i':
case 'h':
help = stdout;
fprintf(help, "Usage: %s [options]\n", *argv);
opt_help(opt, help);
fprintf(help, "Read data from the specified Labjack UE9"
" via Ethernet. See README for details.\n");
return (help == stdout) ? 0 : 1;
if (detect && labjack) {
info("The LabJack does not support autodetection\n");
goto printhelp;
if (detect && !nerdjack) {
info("Only the NerdJack supports autodetection - assuming -N option\n");
nerdjack = 1;
if (detect && addressSpecified) {
info("Autodetection and specifying address are mutually exclusive\n");
goto printhelp;
if (nerdjack && labjack) {
info("Nerdjack and Labjack options are mutually exclusive\n");
goto printhelp;
donerdjack = nerdjack;
//First if no options were supplied try the Nerdjack
//The second time through, donerdjack will be true and this will not fire
if (!nerdjack && !labjack) {
info("No device specified...Defaulting to Nerdjack\n");
donerdjack = 1;
if (inform) {
//We just want information from NerdJack
if (!detect) {
if (nerd_get_version(address) < 0) {
info("Could not find NerdJack at specified address\n");
} else {
return 0;
info("Autodetecting NerdJack address\n");
if (nerdjack_detect(address) < 0) {
info("Error with autodetection\n");
goto printhelp;
} else {
info("Found NerdJack at address: %s\n", address);
if (nerd_get_version(address) < 0) {
info("Error getting NerdJack version\n");
goto printhelp;
return 0;
if (donerdjack) {
if (channel_count > NERDJACK_CHANNELS) {
info("Too many channels for NerdJack\n");
goto printhelp;
for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
if (channel_list[i] >= NERDJACK_CHANNELS) {
info("Channel is out of NerdJack range: %d\n",
goto printhelp;
} else {
if (channel_count > UE9_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT) {
info("Too many channels for LabJack\n");
goto printhelp;
for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
if (channel_list[i] > UE9_MAX_CHANNEL) {
info("Channel is out of LabJack range: %d\n",
goto printhelp;
/* Timer requires Labjack */
if (timer_mode_count && !labjack) {
info("Can't use timers on NerdJack\n");
goto printhelp;
/* Individual Analog Channel Gain Set requires Labjack*/
if (gain_count && !labjack) {
info("Can't use Individual Gain Set on NerdJack\n");
goto printhelp;
if (optind < argc) {
info("error: too many arguments (%s)\n\n", argv[optind]);
goto printhelp;
if (forceretry && oneshot) {
info("forceretry and oneshot options are mutually exclusive\n");
goto printhelp;
/* Two channels if none specified */
if (channel_count == 0) {
channel_list[channel_count++] = 0;
channel_list[channel_count++] = 1;
if (verb_count) {
info("Scanning channels:");
for (i = 0; i < channel_count; i++)
info_no_timestamp(" AIN%d", channel_list[i]);
/* Figure out actual rate. */
if (donerdjack) {
if (nerdjack_choose_scan(desired_rate, &actual_rate, &period) <
0) {
info("error: can't achieve requested scan rate (%lf Hz)\n", desired_rate);
} else {
if (ue9_choose_scan(desired_rate, &actual_rate,
&scanconfig, &scaninterval) < 0) {
info("error: can't achieve requested scan rate (%lf Hz)\n", desired_rate);
if ((desired_rate != actual_rate) || verb_count) {
info("Actual scanrate is %lf Hz\n", actual_rate);
info("Period is %ld\n", period);
if (verb_count && lines) {
info("Stopping capture after %d lines\n", lines);
signal(SIGINT, handle_sig);
signal(SIGTERM, handle_sig);
#ifdef SIGPIPE /* not on Windows */
/* Ignore SIGPIPE so I/O errors to the network device won't kill the process */
if (detect) {
info("Autodetecting NerdJack address\n");
if (nerdjack_detect(address) < 0) {
info("Error with autodetection\n");
goto printhelp;
} else {
info("Found NerdJack at address: %s\n", address);
for (;;) {
int ret;
if (donerdjack) {
ret =
nerdDoStream(address, channel_list, channel_count,
precision, period, convert, lines,
verb("nerdDoStream returned %d\n", ret);
} else {
ret = doStream(address, scanconfig, scaninterval,
channel_list, channel_count,
timer_mode_list, timer_value_list,
timer_mode_count, timer_divisor,
gain_list, gain_count,
convert, lines);
verb("doStream returned %d\n", ret);
if (oneshot)
if (ret == 0)
//Neither options specified at command line and first time through.
//Try LabJack
if (ret == -ENOTCONN && donerdjack && !labjack && !nerdjack) {
info("Could not connect NerdJack...Trying LabJack\n");
donerdjack = 0;
goto doneparse;
//Neither option supplied, no address, and second time through.
//Try autodetection
if (ret == -ENOTCONN && !donerdjack && !labjack && !nerdjack
&& !addressSpecified) {
info("Could not connect LabJack...Trying to autodetect Nerdjack\n");
detect = 1;
donerdjack = 1;
goto doneparse;
if (ret == -ENOTCONN && nerdjack && !detect
&& !addressSpecified) {
info("Could not reach NerdJack...Trying to autodetect\n");
detect = 1;
goto doneparse;
if (ret == -ENOTCONN && !forceretry) {
info("Initial connection failed, giving up\n");
if (ret == -EAGAIN || ret == -ENOTCONN) {
/* Some transient error. Wait a tiny bit, then retry */
info("Retrying in 5 secs.\n");
} else {
info("Retrying now.\n");
debug("Done loop\n");
return 0;
nerdDoStream(const char *address, int *channel_list, int channel_count,
int precision, unsigned long period, int convert, int lines,
int showmem)
int retval = -EAGAIN;
int fd_data;
static int first_call = 1;
static int started = 0;
static int wasreset = 0;
getPacket command;
static unsigned short currentcount = 0;
//If this is the first time, set up acquisition
//Otherwise try to resume the previous one
if (started == 0) {
if (nerd_generate_command
(&command, channel_list, channel_count, precision,
period) < 0) {
info("Failed to create configuration command\n");
goto out;
if (nerd_send_command(address, "STOP", 4) < 0) {
if (first_call) {
retval = -ENOTCONN;
if (verb_count)
info("Failed to send STOP command\n");
} else {
info("Failed to send STOP command\n");
goto out;
if (nerd_send_command(address, &command, sizeof(command)) < 0) {
info("Failed to send GET command\n");
goto out;
} else {
//If we had a transmission in progress, send a command to resume from there
char cmdbuf[10];
sprintf(cmdbuf, "SETC%05hd", currentcount);
retval = nerd_send_command(address, cmdbuf, strlen(cmdbuf));
if (retval == -4) {
info("NerdJack was reset\n");
//Assume we have not started yet, reset on this side.
//If this routine is retried, start over
printf("# NerdJack was reset here\n");
currentcount = 0;
started = 0;
wasreset = 1;
goto tryagain;
} else if (retval < 0) {
info("Failed to send SETC command\n");
goto out;
//The transmission has begun
started = 1;
/* Open connection */
fd_data = nerd_open(address, NERDJACK_DATA_PORT);
if (fd_data < 0) {
info("Connect failed: %s:%d\n", address, NERDJACK_DATA_PORT);
goto out;
retval = nerd_data_stream
(fd_data, channel_count, channel_list, precision, convert, lines,
showmem, ¤tcount, period, wasreset);
wasreset = 0;
if (retval == -3) {
retval = 0;
if (retval < 0) {
info("Failed to open data stream\n");
goto out1;
info("Stream finished\n");
retval = 0;
//We've tried communicating, so this is not the first call anymore
first_call = 0;
return retval;
doStream(const char *address, uint8_t scanconfig, uint16_t scaninterval,
int *channel_list, int channel_count,
int *timer_mode_list, int *timer_value_list,
int timer_mode_count, int timer_divisor,
int *gain_list, int gain_count,
int convert, int lines)
int retval = -EAGAIN;
// int fd_cmd, fd_data; *these are now globals so sighandler can use them*
int ret;
static int first_call = 1;
struct callbackInfo ci = {
.convert = convert,
.maxlines = lines,
/* Open command connection. If this fails, and this is the
first attempt, return a different error code so we give up. */
fd_cmd = ue9_open(address, UE9_COMMAND_PORT);
if (fd_cmd < 0) {
info("Connect failed: %s:%d\n", address, UE9_COMMAND_PORT);
if (first_call)
retval = -ENOTCONN;
goto out;
first_call = 0;
/* Make sure nothing is left over from a previous stream */
if (ue9_stream_stop(fd_cmd) == 0)
verb("Stopped previous stream.\n");
/* Open data connection */
fd_data = ue9_open(address, UE9_DATA_PORT);
if (fd_data < 0) {
info("Connect failed: %s:%d\n", address, UE9_DATA_PORT);
goto out1;
/* Get calibration */
if (ue9_get_calibration(fd_cmd, &ci.calib) < 0) {
info("Failed to get device calibration\n");
goto out2;
/* Set timer configuration */
if (timer_mode_count &&
ue9_timer_config(fd_cmd, timer_mode_list, timer_value_list,
timer_mode_count, timer_divisor) < 0) {
info("Failed to set timer configuration\n");
goto out2;
if (gain_count) {
/* Set stream configuration */
if (ue9_streamconfig(fd_cmd, channel_list, channel_count,
scanconfig, scaninterval,
gain_list, gain_count) < 0) {
info("Failed to set stream configuration\n");
goto out2;
} else {
/* Set stream configuration */
if (ue9_streamconfig_simple(fd_cmd, channel_list, channel_count,
scanconfig, scaninterval,
info("Failed to set stream configuration\n");
goto out2;
/* Start stream */
if (ue9_stream_start(fd_cmd) < 0) {
info("Failed to start stream\n");
goto out2;
/* Stream data */
ue9_running = 1;
ret =
ue9_stream_data(fd_data, channel_count, channel_list, gain_count, gain_list, data_callback, (void *)&ci);
if (ret < 0) {
info("Data stream failed with error %d\n", ret);
goto out3;
info("Stream finished\n");
retval = 0;
/* Stop stream and clean up */
ue9_running = 0;
return retval;
int data_callback(int channels, int *channel_list, int gain_count, int *gain_list, uint16_t * data, void *context)
int i;
struct callbackInfo *ci = (struct callbackInfo *)context;
static int lines = 0;
columns_left = channels;
for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
if (ci->convert == CONVERT_VOLTS &&
channel_list[i] <= UE9_MAX_ANALOG_CHANNEL) {
if (i < gain_count)
if (printf("%lf", ue9_binary_to_analog(
&ci->calib, gain_list[i],
12, data[i])) < 0)
goto bad;
} else {
if (printf("%lf", ue9_binary_to_analog(
&ci->calib, 0,
12, data[i])) < 0)
goto bad;
} else if (ci->convert == CONVERT_VOLTS &&
(channel_list[i] == 141 || channel_list[i] == 133)) {
/* CONVERT_VOLTS but output temperature */
if (printf("%lf", ue9_binary_to_temperature(
&ci->calib, data[i])) < 0)
goto bad;
} else if (ci->convert == CONVERT_HEX) {
if (printf("%04X", data[i]) < 0)
goto bad;
} else {
if (printf("%d", data[i]) < 0)
goto bad;
if (i < (channels - 1)) {
if (ci->convert != CONVERT_HEX && putchar(' ') < 0)
goto bad;
} else {
if (putchar('\n') < 0)
goto bad;
if (ci->maxlines && lines >= ci->maxlines)
return -1;
return 0;
info("Output error (disk full?)\n");
return -3;