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2013-01-02 00:00:30 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import nilmdb
from nilmdb.utils.printf import *
from nilmdb.client import ClientError, ServerError
import datetime_tz
from import *
from import assert_raises
import itertools
import distutils.version
import os
import sys
import threading
import cStringIO
import simplejson as json
import unittest
import warnings
from test_helpers import *
testdb = "tests/client-testdb"
def setup_module():
global test_server, test_db
# Clear out DB
# Start web app on a custom port
test_db = nilmdb.NilmDB(testdb, sync = False)
test_server = nilmdb.Server(test_db, host = "",
port = 12380, stoppable = False,
fast_shutdown = True,
force_traceback = False)
test_server.start(blocking = False)
def teardown_module():
global test_server, test_db
# Close web app
class TestClient(object):
def test_client_1_basic(self):
# Test a fake host
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:1/")
with assert_raises(nilmdb.client.ServerError):
# Trigger same error with a PUT request
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:1/")
with assert_raises(nilmdb.client.ServerError):
# Then a fake URL on a real host
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/fake/")
with assert_raises(nilmdb.client.ClientError):
# Now a real URL with no http:// prefix
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "localhost:12380")
version = client.version()
# Now use the real URL
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
version = client.version()
def test_client_2_nilmdb(self):
# Basic stream tests, like those in test_nilmdb:test_stream
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
# Database starts empty
eq_(client.stream_list(), [])
# Bad path
with assert_raises(ClientError):
client.stream_create("foo/bar/baz", "PrepData")
with assert_raises(ClientError):
client.stream_create("/foo", "PrepData")
# Bad layout type
with assert_raises(ClientError):
client.stream_create("/newton/prep", "NoSuchLayout")
2013-01-02 00:00:30 -05:00
# Create three streams
client.stream_create("/newton/prep", "PrepData")
client.stream_create("/newton/raw", "RawData")
client.stream_create("/newton/zzz/rawnotch", "RawNotchedData")
# Verify we got 3 streams
eq_(client.stream_list(), [ ["/newton/prep", "PrepData"],
["/newton/raw", "RawData"],
["/newton/zzz/rawnotch", "RawNotchedData"]
# Match just one type or one path
eq_(client.stream_list(layout="RawData"), [ ["/newton/raw", "RawData"] ])
eq_(client.stream_list(path="/newton/raw"), [ ["/newton/raw", "RawData"] ])
# Set / get metadata
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/prep"), {})
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw"), {})
meta1 = { "description": "The Data",
"v_scale": "1.234" }
meta2 = { "description": "The Data" }
meta3 = { "v_scale": "1.234" }
client.stream_set_metadata("/newton/prep", meta1)
client.stream_update_metadata("/newton/prep", {})
client.stream_update_metadata("/newton/raw", meta2)
client.stream_update_metadata("/newton/raw", meta3)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/prep"), meta1)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw"), meta1)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw", [ "description" ] ), meta2)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw", [ "description",
"v_scale" ] ), meta1)
# missing key
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw", "descr"),
{ "descr": None })
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata("/newton/raw", [ "descr" ]),
{ "descr": None })
# test wrong types (list instead of dict)
with assert_raises(ClientError):
client.stream_set_metadata("/newton/prep", [1,2,3])
with assert_raises(ClientError):
client.stream_update_metadata("/newton/prep", [1,2,3])
def test_client_3_insert(self):
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
testfile = "tests/data/prep-20120323T1000"
start = datetime_tz.datetime_tz.smartparse("20120323T1000")
start = start.totimestamp()
rate = 120
# First try a nonexistent path
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/no-such-path", data)
in_("404 Not Found", str(e.exception))
# Now try reversed timestamps
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
data = reversed(list(data))
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data)
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("timestamp is not monotonically increasing", str(e.exception))
# Now try empty data (no server request made)
empty = cStringIO.StringIO("")
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(empty, start, 120)
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data)
eq_(result, None)
# Try forcing a server request with empty data
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
client.http.put("stream/insert", "", { "path": "/newton/prep",
"start": 0, "end": 0 })
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("no data provided", str(e.exception))
# Specify start/end (starts too late)
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data,
start + 5, start + 120)
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("Data timestamp 1332511200.0 < start time 1332511205.0",
# Specify start/end (ends too early)
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data,
start, start + 1)
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
# Client chunks the input, so the exact timestamp here might change
# if the chunk positions change.
in_("Data timestamp 1332511271.016667 >= end time 1332511201.0",
# Now do the real load
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data,
start, start + 119.999777)
eq_(result, "ok")
# Verify the intervals. Should be just one, even if the data
# was inserted in chunks, due to nilmdb interval concatenation.
intervals = list(client.stream_intervals("/newton/prep"))
eq_(intervals, [[start, start + 119.999777]])
# Try some overlapping data -- just insert it again
data = nilmdb.timestamper.TimestamperRate(testfile, start, 120)
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
result = client.stream_insert("/newton/prep", data)
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("OverlapError", str(e.exception))
def test_client_4_extract(self):
# Misc tests for extract. Most of them are in test_cmdline.
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
for x in client.stream_extract("/newton/prep", 123, 123):
raise Exception("shouldn't be any data for this request")
def test_client_5_generators(self):
# A lot of the client functionality is already tested by test_cmdline,
# but this gets a bit more coverage that cmdline misses.
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
# Trigger a client error in generator
start = datetime_tz.datetime_tz.smartparse("20120323T2000")
end = datetime_tz.datetime_tz.smartparse("20120323T1000")
for function in [ client.stream_intervals, client.stream_extract ]:
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("end before start", str(e.exception))
# Trigger a curl error in generator
with assert_raises(ServerError) as e:
# Trigger a curl error in generator
with assert_raises(ServerError) as e:
# Check non-json version of string output
# Check non-json version of generator output
for (a, b) in itertools.izip(
eq_(json.loads(a), b)
# Check PUT with generator out
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
client.http.put_gen("stream/insert", "",
{ "path": "/newton/prep",
"start": 0, "end": 0 }).next()
in_("400 Bad Request", str(e.exception))
in_("no data provided", str(e.exception))
# Check 404 for missing streams
for function in [ client.stream_intervals, client.stream_extract ]:
with assert_raises(ClientError) as e:
in_("404 Not Found", str(e.exception))
in_("No such stream", str(e.exception))
def test_client_6_chunked(self):
# Make sure that /stream/intervals and /stream/extract
# properly return streaming, chunked response. Pokes around
# in client.http internals a bit to look at the response
# headers.
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
# Use a warning rather than returning a test failure, so that we can
# still disable chunked responses for debugging.
x = client.http.get("stream/intervals", { "path": "/newton/prep" },
lines_(x, 1)
if "transfer-encoding: chunked" not in client.http._headers.lower():
warnings.warn("Non-chunked HTTP response for /stream/intervals")
x = client.http.get("stream/extract",
{ "path": "/newton/prep",
"start": "123",
"end": "123" }, retjson=False)
if "transfer-encoding: chunked" not in client.http._headers.lower():
warnings.warn("Non-chunked HTTP response for /stream/extract")
2013-01-02 00:00:30 -05:00
def test_client_7_unicode(self):
# Basic Unicode tests
client = nilmdb.Client(url = "http://localhost:12380/")
# Delete streams that exist
for stream in client.stream_list():
# Database is empty
eq_(client.stream_list(), [])
# Create Unicode stream, match it
raw = [ u"/düsseldorf/raw", u"uint16_6" ]
prep = [ u"/düsseldorf/prep", u"uint16_6" ]
eq_(client.stream_list(), [raw])
eq_(client.stream_list(layout=raw[1]), [raw])
eq_(client.stream_list(path=raw[0]), [raw])
eq_(client.stream_list(), [prep, raw])
# Set / get metadata with Unicode keys and values
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(raw[0]), {})
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(prep[0]), {})
meta1 = { u"alpha": u"α",
u"β": u"beta" }
meta2 = { u"alpha": u"α" }
meta3 = { u"β": u"beta" }
client.stream_set_metadata(prep[0], meta1)
client.stream_update_metadata(prep[0], {})
client.stream_update_metadata(raw[0], meta2)
client.stream_update_metadata(raw[0], meta3)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(prep[0]), meta1)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(raw[0]), meta1)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(raw[0], [ "alpha" ]), meta2)
eq_(client.stream_get_metadata(raw[0], [ "alpha", "β" ]), meta1)