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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # To release a new version, tag it:
  3. # git tag -a nilmdb-1.1 -m "Version 1.1"
  4. # git push --tags
  5. # Then just package it up:
  6. # python sdist
  7. # This is supposed to be using Distribute:
  8. #
  9. # distutils provides a "setup" method.
  10. # setuptools is a set of monkeypatches on top of that.
  11. # distribute is a particular version/implementation of setuptools.
  12. #
  13. # So we don't really know if this is using the old setuptools or the
  14. # Distribute-provided version of setuptools.
  15. import traceback
  16. import sys
  17. import os
  18. try:
  19. from setuptools import setup, find_packages
  20. from distutils.extension import Extension
  21. import distutils.version
  22. except ImportError:
  23. traceback.print_exc()
  24. print "Please install the prerequisites listed in README.txt"
  25. sys.exit(1)
  26. # Versioneer manages version numbers from git tags.
  27. #
  28. import versioneer
  29. versioneer.versionfile_source = 'nilmdb/'
  30. versioneer.versionfile_build = 'nilmdb/'
  31. versioneer.tag_prefix = 'nilmdb-'
  32. versioneer.parentdir_prefix = 'nilmdb-'
  33. # Hack to workaround logging/multiprocessing issue:
  34. #
  35. try: import multiprocessing
  36. except: pass
  37. # Use Cython if it's new enough, otherwise use preexisting C files.
  38. cython_modules = [ 'nilmdb.server.interval',
  39. 'nilmdb.server.rbtree' ]
  40. try:
  41. import Cython
  42. from Cython.Build import cythonize
  43. if (distutils.version.LooseVersion(Cython.__version__) <
  44. distutils.version.LooseVersion("0.16")):
  45. print "Cython version", Cython.__version__, "is too old; not using it."
  46. raise ImportError()
  47. use_cython = True
  48. except ImportError:
  49. use_cython = False
  50. ext_modules = [ Extension('nilmdb.server.rocket', ['nilmdb/server/rocket.c' ]) ]
  51. for modulename in cython_modules:
  52. filename = modulename.replace('.','/')
  53. if use_cython:
  54. ext_modules.extend(cythonize(filename + ".pyx"))
  55. else:
  56. cfile = filename + ".c"
  57. if not os.path.exists(cfile):
  58. raise Exception("Missing source file " + cfile + ". "
  59. "Try installing cython >= 0.16.")
  60. ext_modules.append(Extension(modulename, [ cfile ]))
  61. # We need a Generate it here rather than polluting the
  62. # repository with yet another setup-related file.
  63. with open("", "w") as m:
  64. m.write("""
  65. # Root
  66. include README.txt
  67. include setup.cfg
  68. include
  69. include
  70. include Makefile
  71. include .coveragerc
  72. include .pylintrc
  73. # Cython files -- include source.
  74. recursive-include nilmdb/server *.pyx *.pyxdep *.pxd
  75. # Tests
  76. recursive-include tests *.py
  77. recursive-include tests/data *
  78. include tests/test.order
  79. # Docs
  80. recursive-include docs Makefile *.md
  81. # Extras
  82. recursive-include extras *
  83. """)
  84. # Run setup
  85. setup(name='nilmdb',
  86. version = versioneer.get_version(),
  87. cmdclass = versioneer.get_cmdclass(),
  88. url = '',
  89. author = 'Jim Paris',
  90. description = "NILM Database",
  91. long_description = "NILM Database",
  92. license = "Proprietary",
  93. author_email = '',
  94. tests_require = [ 'nose',
  95. 'coverage',
  96. ],
  97. setup_requires = [ 'distribute',
  98. ],
  99. install_requires = [ 'decorator',
  100. 'cherrypy >= 3.2',
  101. 'simplejson',
  102. 'pycurl',
  103. 'python-dateutil',
  104. 'pytz',
  105. 'psutil >= 0.3.0',
  106. 'requests >= 1.1.0, < 2.0.0',
  107. ],
  108. packages = [ 'nilmdb',
  109. 'nilmdb.utils',
  110. 'nilmdb.utils.datetime_tz',
  111. 'nilmdb.server',
  112. 'nilmdb.client',
  113. 'nilmdb.cmdline',
  114. 'nilmdb.scripts',
  115. ],
  116. entry_points = {
  117. 'console_scripts': [
  118. 'nilmtool = nilmdb.scripts.nilmtool:main',
  119. 'nilmdb-server = nilmdb.scripts.nilmdb_server:main',
  120. ],
  121. },
  122. ext_modules = ext_modules,
  123. zip_safe = False,
  124. )