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Support multiple shifted FFTs per period in nilm-prep.

New option --nshift controls how many shifted FFT windows to perform
per period.  "nilm-prep -N 2" is similar to old prep behavior.  Note
that this is redundant information and takes up extra storage space,
Jim Paris 11 years ago
2 changed files with 82 additions and 41 deletions
  1. +10
  2. +72

+ 10
- 6
Makefile View File

@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ test_copy:

@make install >/dev/null
src/ -c 3 \
/lees-compressor/no-leak/raw \
/lees-compressor/no-leak/sinefit \
/lees-compressor/no-leak/prep \
-s '2013-02-19 18:00:00' \
-r 0
-nilmtool destroy -R /test/raw
-nilmtool destroy -R /test/sinefit
-nilmtool destroy -R /test/prep
nilmtool create /test/raw float32_2
nilmtool create /test/sinefit float32_3
nilmtool create /test/prep float32_8
nilmtool insert -s '@0' -t -r 8000 /test/raw /tmp/raw.dat
src/ -c 1 /test/raw /test/sinefit
src/ -c 2 /test/raw /test/sinefit /test/prep
nilmtool extract -s min -e max /test/prep | head -20

-@nilmtool destroy /lees-compressor/no-leak/raw/4 || true

+ 72
- 35
src/ View File

@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ def main(argv = None):
group.add_argument("-c", "--column", action="store", type=int,
help="Column number (first data column is 1)")
group.add_argument("-n", "--nharm", action="store", type=int, default=4,
help="number of odd harmonics to compute")
help="number of odd harmonics to compute (default 4)")
group.add_argument("-N", "--nshift", action="store", type=int, default=1,
help="number of shifted FFTs per period (default 1)")
exc = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
exc.add_argument("-r", "--rotate", action="store", type=float,
help="rotate FFT output by this many degrees")
help="rotate FFT output by this many degrees (default 0)")
exc.add_argument("-R", "--rotate-rad", action="store", type=float,
help="rotate FFT output by this many radians")
help="rotate FFT output by this many radians (default 0)")

group.add_argument("srcpath", action="store",
help="Path of raw input, e.g. /foo/raw")
@@ -51,6 +53,9 @@ def main(argv = None):
if args.nharm < 1 or args.nharm > 32:
parser.error("number of odd harmonics must be 1-32")

if args.nshift < 1:
parser.error("number of shifted FFTs must be >= 1")

if args.rotate is not None:
rotation = args.rotate * 2.0 * pi / 360.0
@@ -72,54 +77,86 @@ def main(argv = None):

# Run the processing function on all data
f.process_numpy(process, args = (client_sinefit, sinefit.path, args.column,
args.nharm, rotation))
args.nharm, rotation, args.nshift))

def process(data, interval, args, insert_function, final):
(client, sinefit_path, column, nharm, rotation) = args
(client, sinefit_path, column, nharm, rotation, nshift) = args
rows = data.shape[0]
data_timestamps = data[:,0]

if rows < 2:
return 0

last_inserted = [nilmdb.utils.time.min_timestamp]
def insert_if_nonoverlapping(data):
"""Call insert_function to insert data, but only if this
data doesn't overlap with other data that we inserted."""
if data[0][0] <= last_inserted[0]:
last_inserted[0] = data[-1][0]

processed = 0
out = zeros((1, nharm * 2 + 1))
# Pull out sinefit data for the entire time range of this block
for sinefit_line in client.stream_extract(sinefit_path,
data[0, 0], data[rows-1, 0]):

def prep_period(t_min, t_max, rot):
Compute prep coefficients from time t_min to t_max, which
are the timestamps of the start and end of one period.
Results are rotated by an additional extra_rot before
being inserted into the database. Returns the maximum
index processed, or None if the period couldn't be
# Find the indices of data that correspond to (t_min, t_max)
idx_min = bisect.bisect_left(data_timestamps, t_min)
idx_max = bisect.bisect_left(data_timestamps, t_max)
if idx_min >= idx_max or idx_max >= len(data_timestamps):
return None

# Perform FFT over those indices
N = idx_max - idx_min
d = data[idx_min:idx_max, column]
F = scipy.fftpack.fft(d) * 2.0 / N

# If we wanted more harmonics than the FFT gave us, pad with zeros
if N < (nharm * 2):
F = r_[F, zeros(nharm * 2 - N)]

# Fill output data.
out[0, 0] = round(t_min)
for k in range(nharm):
Fk = F[2 * k + 1] * e**(rot * 1j * (k+1))
out[0, 2 * k + 1] = -imag(Fk) # Pk
out[0, 2 * k + 2] = real(Fk) # Qk

return idx_max

# Extract sinefit data to get zero crossing timestamps.
# t_min = beginning of period
# t_max = end of period
(t_min, f0, A, C) = [ float(x) for x in sinefit_line.split() ]
t_max = t_min + 1e6 / f0

# Find the indices of data that correspond to (t_min, t_max)
idx_min = bisect.bisect_left(data_timestamps, t_min)
idx_max = bisect.bisect_left(data_timestamps, t_max)
if idx_min >= idx_max:
# something's wonky; ignore this period
if idx_max >= len(data_timestamps):
# max is likely past the end of our chunk, so stop
# processing this chunk now.

# Perform FFT over those indices
N = idx_max - idx_min
d = data[idx_min:idx_max, column]
F = scipy.fftpack.fft(d) * 2.0 / N

# If we wanted more harmonics than the FFT gave us, pad with zeros
if N < (nharm * 2):
F = r_[F, zeros(nharm * 2 - N)]

# Fill output data.
out[0, 0] = t_min
for k in range(nharm):
Fk = F[2 * k + 1] * e**(rotation * 1j * (k+1))
out[0, 2 * k + 1] = -imag(Fk) # Pk
out[0, 2 * k + 2] = real(Fk) # Qk

# Insert this point and continue
processed = idx_max
# Compute prep over shifted windows of the period
# (nshift is typically 1)
for n in range(nshift):
# Compute timestamps and rotations for shifted window
time_shift = n * (t_max - t_min) / nshift
shifted_min = t_min + time_shift
shifted_max = t_max + time_shift
angle_shift = n * 2 * pi / nshift
shifted_rot = rotation - angle_shift

# Run prep computation
idx_max = prep_period(shifted_min, shifted_max, shifted_rot)
if not idx_max:
processed = idx_max

print "Processed", processed, "of", rows, "rows"
return processed
