2013-06-12 18:40:40 -04:00

24 lines
659 B

#ifndef ADCEXT_H
#define ADCEXT_H
/* Initialize ADC */
void adcext_init(void);
/* Start a conversion if it hasn't already been started.
Wait for conversion to finish.
Read the result and return the raw 32-bit value. */
uint32_t adcext_read(void);
/* Convert a raw 32-bit value into a signed result.
The return value range is -(2^31) to (2^31)-1 */
int32_t adcext_convert(uint32_t raw);
/* Start a new conversion. If a conversion was already started
but the result was not read, this does nothing. */
void adcext_start_conversion(void);
/* Return 1 if a conversion is in progress, 0 otherwise */
int adcext_is_conversion_ready(void);