65 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
65 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# To release a new version, tag it:
# git tag -a nilmdb-1.1 -m "Version 1.1"
# git push --tags
# Then just package it up:
# python3 setup.py sdist
import sys
import os
from setuptools import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
# Versioneer manages version numbers from git tags.
# https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer
import versioneer
# External modules that need to be built
ext_modules = [ Extension('nilmdb.server.rocket', ['nilmdb/server/rocket.c' ]) ]
# Use Cython.
cython_modules = [ 'nilmdb.server.interval', 'nilmdb.server.rbtree' ]
import Cython
from Cython.Build import cythonize
for modulename in cython_modules:
filename = modulename.replace('.','/')
ext_modules.extend(cythonize(filename + ".pyx"))
# Get list of requirements to use in `install_requires` below. Note
# that we don't make a distinction between things that are actually
# required for end-users vs developers (or use `test_requires` or
# anything else) -- just install everything for simplicity.
install_requires = open('requirements.txt').readlines()
# Run setup
version = versioneer.get_version(),
cmdclass = versioneer.get_cmdclass(),
url = 'https://git.jim.sh/nilm/nilmdb.git',
author = 'Jim Paris',
description = "NILM Database",
long_description = "NILM Database",
license = "Proprietary",
author_email = 'jim@jtan.com',
setup_requires = [ 'setuptools' ],
install_requires = install_requires,
packages = [ 'nilmdb',
entry_points = {
'console_scripts': [
'nilmtool = nilmdb.scripts.nilmtool:main',
'nilmdb-server = nilmdb.scripts.nilmdb_server:main',
'nilmdb-fsck = nilmdb.scripts.nilmdb_fsck:main',
ext_modules = ext_modules,
zip_safe = False,